Tag Archives: Musical instrument

In Which I Am Nominated for The Liebster Award.

The lovely blog Howling Mad Cat has nominated me for The Liebster Award, hurrah!

The Rules of the Award

1. Post eleven facts about yourself.

2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you and create eleven questions for people you’ve nominated.

3. Choose eleven people (with fewer than 200 followers) to give this award to and link them in your post.

4. Go to their page and tell them.

5. Remember, no tag backs.

11 Facts about Me

1. Sometimes I say really random things, because I have no filter.  Apparently.

2. I have a serious book addiction.

3. I love cats and I own one but I’m allergic to them.

4. I dream in technicolour.

5.  I eat a lot of pizza.  I’m practically a pizzatarian.

6.  I adopted a bunny that someone dumped on my campus.  His name was Behemouth.

7. I love going to thrift stores to hunt for random cool junk.  A couple of my greatest recent finds have been a lamp in the shape of an elephant, and a folio society edition of Sense and Sensibility.

8. I love children’s books. Mainly for the illustrations.

9. I have had a rather soap operatic love life.

10. Homemade mac and cheese is my favourite food of all time.

11. I really want to live in a fancy treehouse.

Questions from Howling Mad Cat

1. Do you have any pets? My cat, Machiavlli.

2. What’s your favorite pasttime? Reading and pursuing creative endeavors.

3. If you had your choice, where would you live? Somewhere warm. In a treehouse. With a harem of sexy manslaves.

4. What’s your favorite snack or dessert? Homemade cookies.

5. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you choose to play? Theremin in the shape of a badger.

6. What’s your favorite animal? Cat, badgers, and bunnies are tied.

7.  Do you prefer walking, running, or swimming? Flying.

8. If there was one thing you could do if money were no object, what would it be? Travel the world in a hot air balloon.

9. Do you prefer serif or sans serif fonts? comic sans.

10. Butter or no butter on toast? Butter.

11. Have you ever cried while watching a film? All the time.

Questions for my Nominated Blogs

1. Zombies or Vampires?

2. What is your least favourite vegetable?

3. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?

4. If you could have any mythical creature as a pet, what would it be?

5. What is the weirdest dream you have ever had?

6. Do you have an imaginary friend?

7. Who is your favourite philosopher?

8. What is your favourite thing to collect?

9. What is your favourite book and why?

10. What was your favourite film as a child?

11. What would you do in the event of an apocalypse?

Nominated Blogs

Pastrami Nation

The Primitive Entertainment Workshop

She Reads Too Much

Passages of Summer Lightning


Kubrick on the Guillotine

Seeker of Truth

Through Nurse Eyes

Aspiring Layabout

Cranky Old Man Rants

Beyond the Pale