Tag Archives: bears

In Which I Am Sad.

I haven’t posted in awhile. I could cite many reasons for this; I am busy, I am tired, I tripped over my cat, hit my head and suffered from temporary amnesia. But the truth is, it has been a year of heartache for me. Relationships have ended and grad school has become the source of endless pain and stress. As a result, my mind has been thrown into emotional turmoil. It’s hard to care about blogging (or anything) when all you want to do is crawl into bed and never come out.  I finally sought help and am on a nice cocktail of medication and though I still have a knot of sadness in my heart and I still cry at the slightest thing, I am slowly getting better.  Yesterday I carved pumpkins with two dear friends and as I hacked out a hello kitty that looked like a bear on the surface of my pumpkin, I realized that I was truly content. I’m going to be ok.